Volunteer for the 2024 National Western Stock Show
How to Sign Up:
Use the button below to edit the document and sign up to volunteer.
Fill in your first name, last name, and e-mail address for the date, time, and position you wish to volunteer for. You are welcome to sign up and volunteer for more than one day. No further steps need to be taken after filling in your name and email.
Volunteering is ONLY open to existing members of the VBSS. If you are looking to volunteer and are not already a member, visit our Become a Member page to become one today.
Your support allows us to fulfill our mission and continue to serve the Valais Blacknose community.
NOTE: The form takes a while to load if your name does not show up right away on the website.
Preview of Sign Up Form:
The VBSS is recruiting volunteers for the upcoming National Western Stock Show!
Hang out with your favorite sheep at the 2025 National Western Stock Show this January by volunteering for the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society!
Volunteering is ONLY open to existing members of the VBSS. If you are looking to volunteer and are not already a member, visit our Become a Member page to become one today.
Volunteers will be divided with one in the sheep pen and one with the product booth. The live sheep pen and product booth are side-by-side. Volunteers shifts will be separated into five and a half hour shifts, from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM each day.
Scroll to learn more about volunteering and how to get involved!
January 11, 2025 – January 26, 2025
The National Western Complex
4655 Humboldt St, Denver, CO 80216
Morning Shift – 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM
Evening Shift – 2:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Volunteers will receive FREE admission into the Stock Show as well as free parking for the days they sign up for!
Volunteering in the Live Sheep Pen:
Interact with the public in a friendly, professional manner by answering their questions and describing the history/characteristics of the breed.
A limited number of people will be allowed into the pen to hold a lamb for photos. The volunteer will need to open/close the gate and assist with taking photos.
A bucket will be available for “Tips for Pics”.
Keep the sheep and public safe.
Keep the pen clean.
In the morning, put down clean shavings and mats in the pen.
In the evening, sweep off the mats and hang them on pens, and sweep up shavings.
Note: Sheep, feed, and pen supplies will be provided by Davis Family Livestock.
Volunteering in the Product Booth:
Interact with the public in a friendly, professional manner by answering their questions and describing the history/characteristics of the breed.
Take credit card payments using a Square card reader (instructions provided at our booth) and cash purchase (cash drawer at our booth).
Write up a receipt for every purchase to track sales, noting if it is a cash sale or credit card sale.
Help reconcile sale receipts with cash drawer and credit card purchases.
Keep products stocked on display.
Pass out literature like VBSS rack cards and VBSS member business cards.
Note: All booth products will have a price tag on the item and a price list will also be available. All items will be entered into the Square system for ease of making the credit card purchase.